Overpass Build
by Dave Steffens, Lane Construction
The project is to improve the intersection of SR85 and 77th Special Forces Way by adding a new 250 foot bridge to the south of the existing intersection.
To complete this job we must set the ten beams by keeping the Terex AC350 (400 ton) in one place and only move the smaller GMK5275 (275 ton).
The GMK5275 must be moved once in bay one, after setting three beams.
Then, moving forward, will set two more beams to complete bay one.
Afterwards, moving to bay two, the GMK5275 will set three beams and move forward to complete the setting of all ten beams.
For this job the initial set-up is key to placing the bridge beams without moving the cranes unnecessarily.
At $825.00 per/hour we need to make every move count.
Planned Lift vs Actual Lift